Data Protection Policy
Under the Sun is a privacy conscious organisation and is strongly committed to your right to privacy. Our Data Protection Policy follows guidelines set out in the Data Protection Act 1998. The Data Protection Act 1998 The Data Protection Act 1998 sets out rules for processing personal information and applies to structured paper records as well as data held on computers. With the Freedom of Information Act 2000 which came into force on 1 January 2005, the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998 will apply to all records, including those structured other than by reference to the data subject, and completely unstructured files.
Storage of Data
The Data Protection Act states that those who record and process personal information must be open about how the information is used, and must follow the eight principles of 'good information handling'. These principles state that data must be: )
Fairly and lawfully processed
Processed for limited purposes
Adequate, relevant and not excessive
Not kept for longer than is necessary
Processed in line with your rights
We keep email addresses to disseminate information. The email mailing list will only be used by Under the Sun for the purpose of keeping members data
Anyone can request that their details be removed at any time. Their contact details will not be passed to third parties without their consent
Children and Young Persons Protection Policy
Within the area of child and young person protection it is vital thot all volunteers know what to do if they are concerned about a child or young person. lt is equally important that parents/corers and young people themselves are aware that the organisation takes the safety and welfare of children/young people into consideration in every activity that is undertaken.
Children and Young Persons are under 18 years of age. Statement. Under the Sun is fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of all children and young persons. lt recognises its responsibility to take all reasonable steps to promote safe practice and to protect children and young persons from harm, abuse and exploitation.
Under the Sun acknowledges its duty to act appropriately and volunteers will endeavour to work together to encourage the development of an ethos which embraces difference and diversity and respects the rights of children and young persons. In implementing this child/young person protection policy Under the Sun will:
to Ensure that all volunteers understand their legal and moral responsibility to protect children and young persons from harm, abuse and exploitation.
Ensure that all volunteers understand their responsibility to work at all times towards maintaining high standards of practice.
to Ensure that all volunteers understand their duty to report concerns that arise about a child or young person, or a volunteer's conduct towards a child/young person, to the organisation's named person for child protection.
Ensure that the named person understands his/her responsibility to refer any child protection concerns to the statutory child protection agencies (i.e. Police and/or Social Services);
Ensure that any procedures relating to the conduct of volunteers are implemented in a consistent and equitable manner;
o Ensure that parents/carers have access to all guidelines and procedures;
Endeavour to keep up-to-date with national developments relating to the welfare and protection of children and young people and where necessary arrange for DBS checks to be carried out. These procedures have been designed to ensure the welfare and protection of any child and/or young person accessing the events provided by Friends of Par Beach. The procedures recognise that child protection can be a very difficult subject for volunteers to deal with. However Under the Sun is committed to the belief that protecting children and young persons is everybody's responsibility and therefore the aim here is to provide guidelines that will enable all volunteers to act appropriately if any concerns arise in respect of a child/young person.
Under the Sun has a commitment to ensuring that all volunteers have a basic awareness of what can constitute child abuse.
Under the Sun is committed to ensuring that vulnerable people are not abused and that working practices minimise the risk of such abuse. This policy is to ensure that members are aware of their responsibilities and that the safety of all vulnerable adults is paramount.
Gill Butler will be aware of and guard against possible discrimination because of assumptions about class, gender, sexuality, race, religion and age.
Vulnerable adults are people who are over 18 years of age and who are getting or may need help from services to live in the community. Vulnerable adults may be unable to take care of themselves or protect themselves from harm or exploitation by other people. Adult protection concerns the violation of an individual's human and civil rights by another individual. Abuse can be verbal, physical, financial, material, sexual, psychological, discriminatory, emotional or neglect. Abuse can take place in any setting, public or private, and can be perpetrated by anyone.
We believe that everyone has a right to live his/her life free from violence, fear and abuse. All adults have a right to be protected from harm and exploitation.
Responsibilities of Under the Sun: To ensure people are aware of vulnerable adults' need for protection;
To be familiar with the vulnerable adult protection policy; To notify the appropriate agencies if abuse is identified or suspected;
To support and where possible secure the safety of individuals; To ensure that all referrals to services have full information in relation to identified risk and vulnerability.
To check volunteers who have access to or work with Vulnerable Adults with the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).
To take appropriate action in line with the policy of Friends of Par Beach.
To declare any existing or subsequent convictions. Support for Those who Report Abuse All those making a complaint or allegation or expressing concern, whether they are volunteers and/or service users and/or carers and/or members of the general public should be reassured that:. They will be taken seriously;
o Their comments will usually be treated confidentially, but their concerns may be shared with the appropriate authorities if they or others are at significant risk.
To have alleged incidents recognised and taken seriously
To receive fair and respectful treatment throughout
To be involved in any process as appropriate
To receive information about the outcome